The way we talk about parenting matters.
What we say, and how we say it, has a huge impact on how people think, feel and behave. Sometimes, the way we talk about parenting can lead people to disengage entirely, or lead them to be less supportive of parents.
We can communicate about parenting in ways that have a positive impact on thinking and behaviour.
This eLearning unpacks insights from communications research. It guides you to put them into practice in ways that work for you.
This training was developed in collaboration with the FrameWorks Institute, with Funding from the Australian Department of Social Services.
This training is split into five modules.
Two modules are core modules, which will take you through the the most important ideas in Reframing Parenting. The remaining modules are optional. The optional modules will let you to focus on the areas most relevant to your work. They are designed to support you in every element of framing: from background and context; to implementing framing in your organisation; to framing for specific audiences.
The outline below will give you an idea of what each module contains so you can choose the path through the course that’s right for you.
Module 1: What is framing? (Optional)
Timing: Around 30 minutes
Module 2: How do people think about parenting? (Core)
Timing: Around one hour
Module 3: Changing the 'Big Idea' (Core)
Timing: around one hour
Module 4: Framing for different audiences (Optional)
This module is split into three sub-modules:
Timing: Around 30 minutes per option
Module 5: Framing in practice (Optional)
This module is split into two sub-modules:
Timing: Around 30 minutes per option